Category Archives for Social Hacking
Social Hacking: Assignment 6
My initial idea for this assignment was to look at absence and presence in private space using a thermal camera. Unfortunately, I ended up having to wait for someone to bring in the thermal camera so I scrapped that idea. … Continue reading
Social Hacking, Assignment 3
What is considered the “norm” on the internet? What does it meant that most sites are in cool colors with san serif fonts? How can we change it? subvert it? What if a different set of aesthetic norms were used … Continue reading
Social Hacking, Assignment 2
When I first started spending time on the internet as an adolescent, I was intrigued by the possibilities of interacting in chat rooms filled with anonymous strangers or going on sites like NeoPets. The internet allowed me to meet people … Continue reading
Social Hacking, Week 1: I Will Give Anyone My Location
For our first week, we had to reinterpret Steve Lambert’s “I Will Talk With Anyone” with our own personal flavor. I found this assignment very interesting 1. Because Steve Lambert is a well-known social practice artist and that’s something I always … Continue reading