Daily Archives for September 14, 2015
Sound and Vid, Wk 1: Response to Readings
plagiarism, appropriation, lifting, copying, stealing, riffing, capturing… la dee da. Tbh, I’m slightly overwhelmed by all the things I want to say about the readings/videos we had to watch this week. I got a little into the idea of copying/replication … Continue reading
Vis Lang , Wk 2 Assignment: Signs
Signs, can be terrible. Much like that film by M. Night Shyamalan (that alien, I mean, c’mon). I live in Greenpoint, which has a wealth of mom-and-pop businesses and thus a goldmine of bad (though perhaps well-intentioned) visuals. Here are … Continue reading
Sound and Vid, Wk 1: Sound Scavenging Results
3 sounds from our scavenger hunt, go! Someone Laughing Ambulance and Foul Language Someone Playing the Drums 😉
Sound and Vid, Wk 1: Sound Walk Response
I went on Janet Cardiff’s Central Park soundwalk this afternoon. It was absolutely beautiful out – sunny, 70 degrees, with a slight breeze. I sat down on a bench underneath the Josi Martin statue and pressed play. First thing I … Continue reading