HSF: Circuitous

I recently found out about Francoise Schein’s project in Soho (1985) – mapping the subways lines.


A meditation on connectivity, layers of networks in our lives. This rings true today even more so.

So I thought of an update, remix/revision of this project that asked people to more actively make a connection between transportation infrastructure, movement and links and technology.

Close to half of nyc subway stations now have wifi. What about making use of that?

Image result for subway map nyc


So, rough idea of some kind of phone app game that uses geo-location services for an active subway scavenger hunt, called: Circuitous.


Circuitous – a roundabout journey, just like the game. the idea is to visit different stations, answer questions/perform tasks and earn items. Not just any item, but electrical components. As you collect them, you try to build circuits – the more complex, the more points. Like a game like Ingress or PokemonGo, it’s a race against fellow players but also educational.

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20. September 2016 by zoe.bachman.itp
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